ANVISA – Solicita System

For submission of documents for petitioning processes at the National Health Surveillance Agency – ANVISA, there are currently two systems: ELECTRONIC PETITION and SOLICITA SYSTEM.

The Solicita System was developed internally by ANVISA to make the demands of users to the Agency’s services fully digital. Solicita was implemented in July/2019 with the aim of improving efficiency on process analysis and to enable access to Solicita through modern browsers and it was initially developed for the sectors that still received paper processes at the time when was released: Food; Sanitary Inspection and Surveillance; Technovigilance; Ports, Airports, Borders and Customs Areas (in express shipment); and Toxicology.

The Solicita System is essential to ANVISA’s digital transformation project, being aligned with the Federal Government’s Digital Government Strategy, which aims to reduce the need for citizens to travel to the processes protocol counters and eliminate the entry of paper in ANVISA.

During these almost 3 years in which the Solicita System has been available for petitioning processes at ANVISA, several functionalities have been incorporated into Solicita, among them: Access to Company Mailbox; Tools for Technical Demand Fulfillment; Petitioning for Company Operation Authorization (AFE) and Special Authorization (AE); Transfer of Ownership of Medicines and Health Products; Consultation of reasons for rejection and non-consent of medical devices.

To consult the List of subjects migrated to the Solicita System, access the link: https://www9.anvisa.gov.br/peticionamento/sat/global/listaAssuntosSolicita.asp

To access the Solitica System, access the link: https://sso.anvisa.gov.br/sso/internet/login?service=https%3A%2F%2Fsolicita.anvisa.gov.br%2Fsolicita%2F

For more information about the Solicita and to view the Solicita Manual, access the link: https://www.gov.br/anvisa/pt-br/sistemas/peticionamento

For more information and explanations about it, send us an e-mail: [email protected]

Passarini Group

Published: 04/26/2022

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