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Anvisa approves Strategic Plan for the 2024-2027 cycle

The National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) is the regulatory body responsible for health regulation in Brazil, working to protect and promote the health of the population. To fulfill its mission, Anvisa develops and implements strategic plans that define its objectives, outcomes, and actions for the coming years.

In this article, we will learn about the new Strategic Plan (SP) of Anvisa for the 2024-2027 cycle, which was approved by the Agency’s Collegiate Board in January 2024. This plan represents Anvisa’s current and future commitments to sustainable development in the health sector, aiming to reduce the country’s vulnerabilities, improve quality of life, and enhance the well-being of Brazilian society.

The SP 2024-2027 was built based on a strategic agenda guided by public values ​​of health safety, access, trust in the regulatory environment, and information for citizen autonomy, reflecting the very purpose of the Agency. In addition, the plan aligns with the Multiannual Plan (MTP 2024-2027), the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Digital Health Strategy, the National Strategy for the Development of the Economic-Industrial Health Complex, among other sectoral plans and public policies.

The SP 2024-2027 establishes seven new objectives that reflect the essential attributions of the Agency and address the challenges and needs of health regulation in the country over the next four years. Of the seven objectives, four involve outcomes for society, and three reflect internal challenges but seek to leverage and contribute to the desired future vision: to be an innovative and reliable agency for the entire society!

The objectives are as follows:

  • Enable safe access to essential health products and services for the population
  • Contribute to the development of promising new technologies in the health sector in the country
  • Anticipate and effectively respond to health crises and public health emergencies
  • Empower people with information to make the best health choices
  • Gain recognition as an international reference health authority
  • Promote intensive use of data
  • Develop people for the future

To achieve these objectives, Anvisa has adopted an agile strategic management for results, materializing as a guiding pillar for the development of strategic actions in the short, medium, and long term. Anvisa was a pioneer in implementing OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) in the Federal Public Administration, adopted as an approach to strategy management, which is consolidated in this new cycle as a nationally recognized good practice, both by public and private institutions.

In December 2023, the Collegiate Board also approved the Annual Management Plan (AGP) for 2024, with the key results to be achieved. The AGP is the consolidated annual planning instrument of the Agency, presenting the unfolding of its strategy with a short-term vision.

The SP 2024-2027 and the AGP 2024 aim to comply with Law 13,848/2019, which deals with the management, organization, regulatory processes, and social control of Brazilian regulatory agencies, but do not limit themselves to legal compliance. Both instruments signal a transformative vision for the next four years, which was outlined requiring integration of Anvisa teams and broad collaboration with various key actors.

The success of the Strategy approved by the Board will depend not only on the internal implementation capacity but above all on a collaborative governance approach that transcends the Agency’s boundaries. Ensuring a workforce in the adequate quantity and with the right skills for the new challenges of the future that are already being felt in the present will also be absolutely necessary.

This strategic plan, therefore, transcends the mere formal definition of objectives and results; it symbolizes a commitment of the Agency to sustainable development in the health sector, aiming to reduce the country’s vulnerabilities, improve quality of life, and enhance the well-being of Brazilian society. This commitment is also reflected in the updating of the Agency’s strategic identity, expressed through the mission, vision, and institutional values that should guide the Agency’s actions in the coming years.

Passarini Group closely monitors Anvisa’s actions and supports its role in health regulation in the country. We believe that Anvisa is a strategic partner for the development of the healthcare sector in Brazil, contributing to innovation, quality, and safety of products and services offered to the population. Therefore, we are always attentive to the norms, guidelines, and good practices of the Agency, seeking to offer efficient and reliable solutions to our clients.

If you want to know more about Anvisa’s Strategic Plan for the 2024-2027 cycle, access the full document here. And if you want to know Passarini Group’s solutions for the healthcare sector, contact us and request a quote. We are available to assist you, clique aqui!

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Publicado em: 02/14/2024

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